Welcome to Hamlin Consulting. I work with big brands to grow organic traffic across numerous industries. Working on websites since 2003 and then focusing on SEO since 2005, I have a level of technical and SEO expertise that is rare in the industry.
My core skill and expertise, SEO spans across multiple areas including development, analytics, CRO, Social and so on. I have over 15 years of SEO experience and consistently deliver positive results to my clients.
I am fluent in HTML & CSS with a strong understanding of PHP & JavaScript and experience across multiple content management systems including Commerce Cloud (formerly DemandWAre), WordPress, Magento & Drupal.
My proficiency and experience in web applications is advantageous to managing your web projects. SEO is such an important aspect but is often overlooked during new site builds, my unique skill-set ensures this isn't the case.
When starting a new SEO project most agencies turn to a cookie cutter approach proposing 'essential' deliverables that all clients require. Although this is true to a point, I prefer to work in a more fluid manner, customising strategy and work to the clients needs.
I have consulted for a number of Sydney based SEO agencies from boutique companies to those with international reach, assisting with strategy and work overflow with the ability to easily adapt to the different processes & deliverables of each agency.
If you are rebuilding your site or are a start up I can ensure a timely and on budget build is completed. With experience project managing for both start ups and global brands combined with understanding of Search, CRO and UX, I bring a wealth of knowledge to your project.
A bit more about me and my experience.
My first SEO client was a family friend in 2003 as part of a website design and build. From there I quickly shifted into an SEO focused career and eventually began working in a Sydney agency in 2008. I then went on to become an SEO consultant with direct clients while working part time with agencies and startups along the way.
I have worked in nearly every industry from government to gaming. Some of my most experienced verticles include ecommerce where I have a strong understanding of SF Commerce Cloud and have helped brands expand globally with strong success. Finance, Banking and Insurance are also a specialty having worked with countless banks, insurance and comparison companies. Other industries with strong experience are travel, airlines and tourism, energy, utlitiy and ISPs, property and real estate.
In my spare time I work on multiple website projects across health, wellness and analytics. Some of my favourite projects includes Data Studio Templates and Wellness & Meal Delivery comparison website Wellhub.
Fill out the form below and I'll get in touch as soon as possible, if you would like a call back please include your mobile and a preferred time to talk.